Herbal Remedies for Hernia
There are several types of hernias, and not all of them are conducive to healing with natural remedies. Hernias can be serious and should be examined by a health professional.
Inguinal hernias (groin area), umbilical hernias (near the naval), and incisional hernias (following surgery) are the most likely to improve or heal with herbal remedies. Other types may improve, but should be evaluated before beginning an herbal treatment.
This is a three part method that will support hernia recovery in 3 different ways. It begins with taking an internal herbal remedy formula.
Internal Formula–Herbal Remedies for Hernia
These herbal remedies for hernia are derived from traditional Chinese formulas used for centuries to heal hernias and other abdominal issues. I have offered here 2 different choices, for those who may have a challenge locating some of the herbs. Both of these formulas are effective.
Hernia Formula One
Hawthorn berry-2 parts (Chinese hawthorn berry)
Fennel seed-1/2 part
Grapefruit seed-1/2 part
Litchi seed-1/2 part
Mix the herbs together in a blender or Vita-mix. Mix on high until a coarse powder is formed. Put the powder into size 00 capsules, and take 1 to 2 capsules 2 times daily.
Alternatively, the powder can be made into a tea. Use 1 teaspoon of ground herbs in 2 cups of water. Simmer for 5 to 8 minutes and strain. Sweeten with honey or stevia if desired. Drink 1 cup daily.
Or, use the following formula instead.
Hernia Formula Two
Hawthorn berry–2 parts
Dioscorea (wild yam)–1 part
Marshmallow root–1 part
Ginger root–1/2 part
Licorice root–1/2 part
Use the same methods as described above. You may use it as a tea or in capsules.
Plan on taking your herbal formula consistently for at least 3 months. Herbs often take weeks to show results, as they rebuild organs and tissues on a slow, gradual basis. It is necessary to use them every day to get the desired results.
Hernia Poultice
To support your recovery, you will also benefit from applying a poultice to the local area where the hernia is located.
Comfrey powder (or crushed leaf)–6 parts
Colloidal silver–1 part
Terebinthine pine essential oil–several drops
Cypress essential oil–several drops
Costus root essential oil–several drops
Distilled water–as needed
Combine all ingredients. Add only as much distilled water as necessary to moisten all of the ingredients and help them stick together. Apply enough of the poultice to lightly cover the hernia area. If possible, wrap it with saran wrap to hold it against the skin without drying it out. Leave it on for a few hours, or overnight if possible.
Apply it every day for the best results.
Targeted Exercise
The final piece of the puzzle for healing hernias, involves exercise. It is important to exercise very consciously–being certain to do no harm! Targeted gentle exercises to strengthen core muscles can be found on you tube. Always begin gently with just a few repetitions, and never continue if there is pain with any exercise.
Dietary Considerations
These dietary changes can also help support hernia recovery. Eat plain, unsweetened yogurt with live cultures (not the sweetened dessert kind), several tablespoons daily. My favorite brand to recommend is Mountain High, but the best is the one you make yourself with un-homogenized cow or goat milk. One tablespoon of home made yogurt contains more live probiotic cultures than a whole bottle of encapsulated probiotics!
Also eat smaller meals more often throughout the day. Avoid having any bloating or acid reflux, or even indigestion, by taking Ginger Drops remedy or Herbal Digestive Bitters as soon as any of these symptoms appear.
This cocoa butter deodorant recipe is completely free of dangerous chemicals and ingredients. It is
- Phthalate free
- Gluten free
- Glycerin free
- Aluminum free
- Preservative free
- Sulphate free

Cocoa Butter Deodorant Recipe
1 teaspoon beeswax
2 to 3 tablespoons baking soda
8 tablespoons (4 ounces) organic cocoa butter
2 tablespoons cold-pressed unfiltered coconut oil
You will also need:
A plastic fork
A plastic deodorant tube, or a soap mold
Small saucepan
Put the beeswax into the pan, along with the coconut oil and cocoa butter. Heat the pan over the lowest heat setting.
Once the beeswax, cocoa butter and oil are completely melted, turn off heat and allow the mixture to cool.
Stir the melted ingredients with the plastic fork. Add the baking soda and stir very well.
Allow the mixture to cool, stirring frequently to keep it well mixed. You may set it in the refrigerator to speed the cooling process. Be sure to keep stirring frequently.
When mixture is fully cooled and somewhat stiff, but still creamey enough to spoon up, spoon the mixture into the container, pressing it in, and set it into the refrigerator to solidify.
If you are using a soap mold instead, spoon the mixture into the soap mold, and set it in the refrigerator.
You may need to store your deodorant in the refrigerator in summer months. If you want to make your finished product firmer, try adding a little more beeswax to the mix.
Genital herpes is caused by two types of virus, Herpes simplex type I and Herpes simplex type II. It is estimated that one in 6 people in the USA between the age of 14 and 49 have genital herpes.
It is normally transmitted through sexual contact. Because most Herpes carriers do not even know they are infected and can be symptom free, it is easily spread.
Herbs and essential oils can reduce symptoms and discomfort of this viral condition. With radical commitment to a natural treatment plan, some people have even been known to eliminate all symptoms over a long period of time.
If one is seeking to eliminate this virus from the body, it would be very important to have a blood test to be certain that Herpes is indeed the cause. After concluding the treatment, when the symptoms have been gone for several months, another blood test would be valuable to see whether or not the virus is still in the body.
Herbs Essential Oils for Genital Herpes Healing Regime
- Combine essential oils of ravensare, foraha, and melissa. Add 1.5 ml (about 30 drops) of each oil into a 5 ml bottle. Apply a few drops of this powerful anti-viral blend twice daily to to all break-out areas.
- Make a couple quarts of lemon balm tea and store it in the fridge. It makes a great drench for cleansing the break out areas. Pour it on skin, or dab with a tea soaked cotton pad. It is mild enough to be soothing, and the anti-viral effects will accelerate what the essential oil blend is doing. Use these two anti-viral formulas until the outbreak is completely gone.
- You will also need to deal with this persistent virus internally as well. A special diet must be used consistently. For a time, avoid eating or drinking coffee, soda pop, alcohol, refined carbs such as breads and pastries, and sweetened foods for a few months. Eat lots of fresh and steamed vegetables, fermented foods like yogurt and cole slaw, and small portions of high quality protein foods like eggs, grass fed beef or lamb, and wild salmon. This will enable your immune system to focus on eliminating the virus, instead of spending extra energy cleaning up the toxins produced from processing unhealthy foods. A wonderfully helpful way of eating to support this and other detoxifying programs is available here, at the Ultimate Candida Diet website.
- Take Inner Rain (or an anti-viral detoxifying supplement) daily for up to 3 months at a time. Inner Rain formula will help cleanse and detoxify the body, and support the immune system so that it can do the work to rid the body of the virus.
- Find someone who will apply essential oils to your spine once a week while you are using this program. Even if you have no symptoms or very little break out, the virus can go dormant for years and is known to hang out around the spine. The oils can address this and are an important part of the program. Use a combination of at least three anti-viral oils, including ajowan, spike lavender, melissa, ravensare, foraha, cinnamon bark, and oregano.
I have seen people heal this condition, so I know it is possible! It does take a lot of focus and a strong commitment to get the desired results. Sometimes it takes much longer than I have suggested, even many months, to become free of Herpes viruses. But in many cases the journey is worth it. The immune system will be stronger without that virus floating around in the body.
Snoring Solutions with Essential Oils
Snoring is one of those issues that effects not just the snorer, but his or her partner as well! Snoring is associated with sleep apnea, which is a major cause of chronic fatigue, health issues, and even emotional and mental disturbances. And, well–it’s just not sexy.
So if there was an easy and enjoyable way to reduce or eliminate snoring, wouldn’t you jump at the chance to give it a try? I just have to share this with everyone I know, because it has made such a difference in the lives of some of my customers.
This recipe contains some of the most studied oils found to be effective against snoring and sleep apnea. If the recipe below is not quite strong enough, you can resort to the stronger version, which has even more clout, but also has a stronger aroma.
To enhance your potential for success, you can try the following things:
- 20 to 30 minutes before bedtime, diffuse Snoring Solutions Diffusion Blend (see recipe below) in your bedroom. Once you actually go to bed, you can turn the diffuser off, as the air should be saturated.
- Massage neck, upper back, and chest with Anti-Snore Massage Oil (recipe below) just before going to bed. For an extra insurance, massage the oil onto the bottom of your big toes, which are reflex points to the head.
- Use a wedge pillow, or two pillows so that you are on an incline when you sleep.
- Another study found that sleeping on your side, with a full body pillow, works for many people.
- Don’t drink alcohol–it causes the back of the throat muscles to relax enabling snoring. People who don’t normally snore will often snore after consuming alcohol before bedtime.
- Use a neti-pot with saltwater solution to open breathing passages before going to bed.
Anti-Snore Massage Oil Recipe
30 ml or 1 ounce of carrier oil, sweet almond or jojoba
7 drops lavender essential oil
7 drops lemon essential oil
7 drops marjoram essential oil
7 drops Atlas cedar essential oil
16 drops owyhee essential oil (peach artemisia)
Combine oils in a 1 ounce bottle. Shake well.
Massage on neck, upper back, shoulders, and chest, just before you go to bed. Keep the bottle within reach so you can use it again if you should awaken from snoring in the night.
Super Strong Anti-Snore Massage Oil Recipe
Replace essential oils in the recipe above with:
7 drops peppermint essential oil
10 drops thyme linalol essential oil
10 drops lavender essential oil
7 drops river red gum essential oil (eucalyptus camaldulensis)
10 drops owyhee essential oil
Mix and use the same as the first recipe. Rosewood, spruce, citronella, geranium, and clove have all been used successfully for sleep apnea and snoring as well. Please feel free to experiment with this!
Snoring Solutions Diffuser Blend Recipe
In a 5ml bottle, combine:
1 ml (20 drops) thyme linalol essential oil
1 ml (20 drops) river red gum essential oil
1.5 ml (30 drops) rosewood essential oil
1 ml (20 drops) owyhee essential oil
0.5 ml (10 drops) clove essential oil
Diffuse this blend for 20 minutes before you go to bed every night.
Some people notice a decrease in snoring in as little as 3 nights. Others may take up to 6 weeks to see results, so don’t give up too early.
Sometimes people can eventually go without using the essential oils after a period of time on this program. Others find that they need to stay consistent to keep sleep apnea or snoring from returning. Either way, it is a great tool for getting a good night’s sleep (and saving your marriage too!).

Karmic Wheel 3
Transforming the Experience of the Karmic Wheel
When you have developed a strong spiritual center, concentrating the I AM consciousness in the center of the Karmic Wheel, you will naturally begin to know how you can quickly transform the experience of the low frequency (Dark) phases of the cycle, and enhance your experience of the high frequency (Light) phases of the cycle. This happens through the practice of Gratitude and Acceptance.
To do this, follow this map.
- When you find yourself in love, express and hold the frequency of Gratitude for all the love in your life.
- When you find yourself giving your partner credit, express and hold the frequency of Gratitude and appreciation for his or her strengths and gifts.
- When you find yourself feeling independent, express and hold the frequency of Gratitude and appreciation for your own strengths and gifts.
- When you find yourself feeling out of love, hold the frequency of Acceptance of your own negativity and feelings. Recognize that they are just feelings that are a part of the cycle, and they have nothing to do with genuine, true love.
- When you find yourself assigning blame, hold the frequency of Acceptance of his or her weaknesses and human-ness.
- When you find yourself feeling needy or empty, hold the frequency of Acceptance for your own weaknesses and human-ness.
This is the fastest way to transform the experience of the Medicine Wheel of Relationahip. If you work with this over time, you will still be on the Karmic Wheel, but your experience of the cycle will be completely different. This is a stage of manifestation that we sometimes try to avoid, yet it will keep reappearing in your life, challenging you to grow in consciousness.
The more experience you gain in working with it, the better. And do not think that it will be different if you have a different partner. We are all human, and we will attract the same lesson to us if we do not find a way to break through and realize that we are actually creating our own experience, through the thoughts and feelings that we hold in our field.
If we work through these issues until we have reached a state of neutrality, love, and acceptance in our lives, only then can we leave a partnership in completion. At that point, we can clear the slate and co-create a new partnership that truly is different.
Many partners experience this process together because they are both at a similar stage of enlightenment. Each can be an ally to the other in this growth period, if they make agreements with each other to disengage, and truly help each other on their individual paths of self understanding and enlightenment.
Whether you do it alone or with your partner consciously participating, when you make it through this transformation, you will both have the freedom of choice on how to re-create this or any other relationship.
When you are living in a state of conscious choice, you will move into the stage of consciousness where enlightenment begins.
Karmic Wheel 4
Karmic Wheel 2
Karmic Wheel 1
Who Should Avoid Parasite Cleansing?
Not everyone should take an herbal parasite cleanse. Do not use ParaThunder or any cleansing formula in these situations:
People who have never done parasite cleansing before (unless they have a health professional who has experienced parasite cleansing to support them)
Those who have a weakened body condition because of disease, degeneration, or injury (In this case it would be better to rebuild the body first for a period of months before undertaking a parasite cleanse)
People who are extra sensitive, elderly, or children under 14 (unless supervised by an experienced health professional)
Pregnant women should not cleanse at all until after they give birth and have finished breast feeding
People taking pharmaceutical drugs, unless recommended and assisted by a health professional
Please read our disclaimer.
Medications and parasite cleansing–do they go together?
There are many medications which should not be taken with an herbal cleanse of any kind. Herbal cleanses can change the way drugs are absorbed, or reduce their effectiveness.
Always check with your health care professional before using this or any herbal cleansing formula if you are taking pharmaceutical drugs or medications.
If you are taking any medications, and your physician or other health care provider approves this parasite cleanse, take each dose of ParaThunder at least 2 hours away from taking any medications.
Please read our disclaimer.

Vibrational Remedies Blending–Dosage Level Dilutions
Vibrational remedies blending is easy. Here’s how to make a dosage level remedy from a stock level remedy.
Fill a glass bottle (1oz or 30 ml), one third full with your choice of vodka, apple cider vinegar, or saturated salt water. (If you choose to use vinegar, fill the bottle half full).
Add your base number (usually 10) of drops of stock level remedy to the bottle.
Fill the bottle up with spring water, distilled water, or other pure water.
Shake at least 100 times.
Label the bottle for convenience.
Now you have a dosage level vibrational remedy. For usage instructions, go here.
We also sell pre-diluted dosage level as well as our stock level remedies.
Making a Custom Blend
Sometimes a blend of several different remedies is the best choice for your remedy. To make a blend, follow these easy steps.
Fill a glass bottle (1oz or 30 ml), one third full with your choice of vodka, apple cider vinegar, or saturated salt water. (If you choose to use vinegar, fill the bottle half full).
Add one to three drops of each stock level remedy you want to include, into the bottle.
Fill the bottle up with spring water, distilled water, or other pure water.
Shake at least 100 times.
Label the bottle for convenience.
Now you have a custom blended dosage level vibrational remedy. For usage instructions, go here.
Making a Super Potency Remedy
Vibrational remedies are a form of homeopathics. Their energetic action actually gets stronger the more they are diluted out. For an increased potency, our vibrational remedies can be diluted out one more time.
To create this super-potent form, take the same number of drops you used to make the dosage essence. From the dosage level remedy, drop this number of drops into a new bottle of pure water and your preservative, and shake it 100 times.
You now have an extra strong level vibrational remedy. We have found this useful for supporting DNA activation, energy healing such as Reiki, soul retrieval, or chakra balancing. It is also useful for people who have a high tolerance for herbal remedies, or do not notice results when they use a regular dosage level remedy.
Saturated Salt Water–a beautifully light preservative
Vibrational remedies usually require some form of natural preservative when made by hand. We use pure, saturated salt water in many of our vibrational remedies as a preservative.
- We use a dark bottle that will decrease light exposure. Miron violet glass preserves the energetic integrity of our vibrational remedies, and will do so for years when properly stored.
- We use a combination of salts from sacred sites, including an ancient indigenous salt cave near our home.
- We feel that using sacred salt brings a deep energetic connection to the elemental forces, helping those who use our remedies to feel grounded and connected with the Earth.
None of our products are recognized or approved by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. This information is anecdotal, and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not meant to be taken as medical advice. See a health care professional for medical advice.