Herbal Remedies for Hernia
Herbal Remedies for Hernia
There are several types of hernias, and not all of them are conducive to healing with natural remedies. Hernias can be serious and should be examined by a health professional.
Inguinal hernias (groin area), umbilical hernias (near the naval), and incisional hernias (following surgery) are the most likely to improve or heal with herbal remedies. Other types may improve, but should be evaluated before beginning an herbal treatment.
This is a three part method that will support hernia recovery in 3 different ways. It begins with taking an internal herbal remedy formula.
Internal Formula–Herbal Remedies for Hernia
These herbal remedies for hernia are derived from traditional Chinese formulas used for centuries to heal hernias and other abdominal issues. I have offered here 2 different choices, for those who may have a challenge locating some of the herbs. Both of these formulas are effective.
Hernia Formula One
Hawthorn berry-2 parts (Chinese hawthorn berry)
Fennel seed-1/2 part
Grapefruit seed-1/2 part
Litchi seed-1/2 part
Mix the herbs together in a blender or Vita-mix. Mix on high until a coarse powder is formed. Put the powder into size 00 capsules, and take 1 to 2 capsules 2 times daily.
Alternatively, the powder can be made into a tea. Use 1 teaspoon of ground herbs in 2 cups of water. Simmer for 5 to 8 minutes and strain. Sweeten with honey or stevia if desired. Drink 1 cup daily.
Or, use the following formula instead.
Hernia Formula Two
Hawthorn berry–2 parts
Dioscorea (wild yam)–1 part
Marshmallow root–1 part
Ginger root–1/2 part
Licorice root–1/2 part
Use the same methods as described above. You may use it as a tea or in capsules.
Plan on taking your herbal formula consistently for at least 3 months. Herbs often take weeks to show results, as they rebuild organs and tissues on a slow, gradual basis. It is necessary to use them every day to get the desired results.
Hernia Poultice
To support your recovery, you will also benefit from applying a poultice to the local area where the hernia is located.
Comfrey powder (or crushed leaf)–6 parts
Colloidal silver–1 part
Terebinthine pine essential oil–several drops
Cypress essential oil–several drops
Costus root essential oil–several drops
Distilled water–as needed
Combine all ingredients. Add only as much distilled water as necessary to moisten all of the ingredients and help them stick together. Apply enough of the poultice to lightly cover the hernia area. If possible, wrap it with saran wrap to hold it against the skin without drying it out. Leave it on for a few hours, or overnight if possible.
Apply it every day for the best results.
Targeted Exercise
The final piece of the puzzle for healing hernias, involves exercise. It is important to exercise very consciously–being certain to do no harm! Targeted gentle exercises to strengthen core muscles can be found on you tube. Always begin gently with just a few repetitions, and never continue if there is pain with any exercise.
Dietary Considerations
These dietary changes can also help support hernia recovery. Eat plain, unsweetened yogurt with live cultures (not the sweetened dessert kind), several tablespoons daily. My favorite brand to recommend is Mountain High, but the best is the one you make yourself with un-homogenized cow or goat milk. One tablespoon of home made yogurt contains more live probiotic cultures than a whole bottle of encapsulated probiotics!
Also eat smaller meals more often throughout the day. Avoid having any bloating or acid reflux, or even indigestion, by taking Ginger Drops remedy or Herbal Digestive Bitters as soon as any of these symptoms appear.
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