Vibrational Remedies Blending & Diluting

Vibrational remedies blending 2

Vibrational Remedies Blending–Dosage Level Dilutions

Vibrational remedies blending is easy.  Here’s how to make a dosage level remedy from a stock level remedy.

Fill a glass bottle (1oz or 30 ml), one third full with your choice of vodka, apple cider vinegar, or saturated salt water.  (If you choose to use vinegar,  fill the bottle half full).

Add your base number (usually 10) of drops of stock level remedy to the bottle.

Fill the bottle up with spring water, distilled water, or other pure water.

Shake at least 100 times.

Label the bottle for convenience.

Now you have a dosage level vibrational remedy. For usage instructions, go here.

We also sell pre-diluted dosage level as well as our stock level remedies.

Making a Custom Blend

Sometimes a blend of several different remedies is the best choice for your remedy.  To make a blend, follow these easy steps.

Fill a glass bottle (1oz or 30 ml), one third full with your choice of vodka, apple cider vinegar, or saturated salt water.  (If you choose to use vinegar,  fill the bottle half full).

Add one to three drops of each stock level remedy you want to include, into the bottle.

Fill the bottle up with spring water, distilled water, or other pure water.

Shake at least 100 times.

Label the bottle for convenience.

Now you have a custom blended dosage level vibrational remedy. For usage instructions, go here.

Making a Super Potency Remedy

Vibrational remedies are a form of homeopathics.   Their energetic action actually gets stronger the more they are diluted out.  For an increased potency, our vibrational remedies can be diluted out one more time.

To create this super-potent form, take the same number of drops you used to make the dosage essence.  From the dosage level remedy, drop this number of drops into a new bottle of pure water and your preservative, and shake it 100 times.

You  now have an extra strong level vibrational remedy.  We have found this useful for supporting DNA activation, energy healing such as Reiki, soul retrieval, or chakra balancing.   It is also useful for people who have a high tolerance for herbal remedies, or do not notice results when they use a regular dosage level remedy.

Saturated Salt Water–a beautifully light preservative

Vibrational remedies usually require some form of natural preservative when made by hand.  We use pure, saturated salt water in many of our vibrational remedies as a preservative.

  • We use a dark bottle that will decrease light exposure. Miron violet glass preserves the energetic integrity of our vibrational remedies, and will do so for years when properly stored.
  •  We use a combination of salts from sacred sites, including an ancient indigenous salt cave near our home.
  • We feel that using sacred salt brings a deep energetic connection to the elemental forces, helping those who use our remedies to feel grounded and connected with the Earth.

None of our products are recognized or approved by the FDA.  They are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.  This information is anecdotal, and is provided for educational purposes only.   It is not meant to be taken as medical advice.  See a health care professional for medical advice.


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