More About Our Geranium Essential Oil
Size: 5 ml violet glass bottle OR 30 ml violet glass bottle
Source: Egypt
Distillation: Steam distilled from the leaves and aerial parts
Botanical name: Pelargonium graveolens
Homeopathic Properties of Geranium Essential Oil
- Alterative
- Analgesic–nerve pain, sciatica
- Anti-bacterial
- Anti-fungal
- Anti-lithic
- Anti-pruritic
- Anti-septic
- Depurative–liver, gall bladder, intestines
- Detoxifier–blood, lymph
- Hemostatic
- Hepatic
- Sedative
- Stimulant
- Tonic–liver, gall bladder, pancreas, glands
- Vulnerary
Internal–oral, inhalation, diffusion
External—topical application, massage, skin and wound application, spinal and local compress, energy centers and meridian points
Observations and Anecdotal Information
Geranium is a great tonic for the liver and pancreas. It can help regulate glandular functions, balance blood sugar, balance hormones, and stimulate pancreatic regeneration.
It is a wonderful oil for spinal compress treatments, which can restore balance to the nervous system.
It is very helpful for hypoglycemic and diabetic individuals. In this case, applying this oil to the solar plexus and upper abdomen daily helps to gradually regenerate the pancreas and boost the liver, which must go along with dietary change and exercise for real results.
Geranium is also a powerful blood cleanser, and helps stimulate lymphatic flow. It can be used to relieve kidney stones and urinary infection, by using it externally as a hot compress and taking an internal remedy, at proper dilution.
Some people swear by it for treating headaches. Put a few drops of undiluted oil on the temples or forehead, and under the back of the skull to relieve headache pain. (Be sure to avoid getting any oil in the eyes!).
Geranium also opens circulation in the skin, making a great regenerator for depleted skin, acne, and breakouts. Over time, the skin will take on a lovely colorful glow when it is used daily in an oil preparation. For this purpose, I like to combine it with jojoba, rose hip seed, or seabuckthorn seed, or a combination of several of these.
The Egyptian variety of geranium essential oil has a drier aroma than the South African rose geranium, which is a bit sweeter. Both have a lovely green and vibrant aroma that is excellent for diffusing and blending with other oils.
This oil is generally regarded as safe at normal doses.
Use cautiously with pregnant and lactating mothers, infants, and small children.
Keep all essential oils away from eyes.
Store in a safe place, out of the reach of children.
All internal uses should be researched and/or supported by a health care professional. Product quality and dosage are critically important when using essential oils internally.
None of our products are recognized or approved by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. This information is anecdotal, and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not meant to be taken as medical advice. See a health care professional for medical advice.
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