More About Our Neroli Essential Oil
Size: 1.5 ml amber glass vial
Botanical name: Citrus aurantium bigarade
Distillation: Steam distilled from the flowers of non-sprayed trees
Source: Morocco
Note: True neroli oil is rare. It is often adulterated with petitgrain and other citrus oils, to enable sellers to reduce the price. Our’s is 100% pure and genuine neroli essential oil, which is diluted to 20% in pure filtered coconut oil.
Homeopathic Properties of Neroli Essential Oil
- Anti-bacterial
- Anti-depressant
- Anti-fungal
- Anti-septic
- Aphrodisiac
- Cardio-tonic
- Carminative
- Cicatrizant
- Emollient
- Deodorant
- Digestive
- Hypotensive
- Parturient
- Sedative
- Stimulant–immune system
- Tonic–endocrine system, reproductive system, liver, pancreas
Internal–oral, inhalation, suppository
External––topical application, massage, bath, local or spinal compress, application to energy centers and meridian points
Observations and Anecdotal Information
Neroli essential oil is one of the most beautiful floral aromas. It has been used in floral perfumes and oil blends for centuries.
This oil is often adulterated with petitgrain, a much less expensive oil produced from the leaves of the Citrus aurantium tree.
It is a tonic for the liver and pancreas. It is helpful for regenerating these organs, as well as transmuting anger and resentment–-the emotional level expression of liver stagnation.
It is helpful when diluted and placed on the abdomen of colicky babies, and children with a stomach ache.
Neroli essential oil regulates the heartbeat, and soothes and strengthens a weak nervous system. It is a hormone balancer, helpful especially for alleviating hot flashes and hormonal mood swings.
It is also a skin regenerator, used in many anti-aging and anti-wrinkle preparations and cremes. It is one of the few essential oils that can erase spider veins and lighten ruddy complexions.
Avoid using within 24 hours of exposure to sunlight or UV light. It can be photosensitizing to some people.
Generally recognized as safe at normal dosages.
Pet information: Cats may not respond well to conifer oils and citrus oils. Avoid usage for cats.
None of our products are recognized or approved by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. This information is anecdotal, and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not meant to be taken as medical advice. See a health care professional for medical advice.
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