Cleansing and Rebuilding

By / 16th September, 2012 / Cleanses / Off

Herbal Cleansing and Rebuilding

Many people use some form of herbal tonics on a regular basis for supporting general health and vibrancy.

These regenerative formulas are a key piece of support for those of us who are attempting to alter the “normal” human life experience into a higher frequency form, with a new longer term potential; or for those who want to reach a higher level of vibrant health!

They are also a main key to regenerating the physical body from any level of dis-ease, substance addiction, injury, etc.

However, if one continues to rebuild over a long term period, without incorporating the balancing factor of cleansing, the gain will also be minimized over time.

Our bodies need to have both the nurturing/rebuilding support  of tonic herbs, and the deep cleansing/releasing support  of cleansing herbs, to maintain this balance.  They are both necessary to continue to move from one level of health to another.    This process is another key to moving up the spiral of health, regeneration and ascension.

Some people should begin with a longer period of rebuilding before ever moving into a cleansing phase.  Culturally, Americans are often in such depletion that a deep parasite cleanse will be challenging, and may not be very successful until some rebuilding has taken place.   A stronger body can let go of parasitic infection much easier and faster than a depleted body can.

But at some point, we will eventually need to bring in herbal parasite cleansing.  Without it, we will reach another plateau where the tonic herbs are not having much of an impact any more.  They can not nourish and strengthen all of our tissues until we reclaim those tissues from the parasites that are inhabiting them.  This is why it is so important to do a parasite cleanses every year, if we want to continue to grow in health, consciousness, and potential.

See our herbal cleansing formulas and rebuilding teas in the herbal section of our online shop.