More About Our White Sage Essential Oil
Size: 5 ml violet glass bottle
Source: USA
Botanical name: Salvia apiana
Distillation: Steam distilled from leaves grown on a sacred Native American site. Hand harvested by Native Americans, who are using sustainable techniques to insure the continued availability and relationship with white sage for the future.
Homeopathic Properties of White Sage Essential Oil
- Analgesic
- Anti-bacterial
- Anti-diaphoretic–suppresses perspiration
- Anti-galactogogue–suppresses lactation
- Anti-infectious
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-microbial
- Anti-septic
- Anti-viral
- Balsamic
- Cicatrizant
- Decongestant
- Disinfectant
- Emollient
- Estrogenic
- Expectorant
- Nervine
- Relaxant
- Stimulant–immune system, endocrine system, circulation
- Stomachic
- Tonic–endocrine system, hormonal, reproductive system, circulatory system, respiratory system
Internal–oral in homeopathic doses, inhalation, suppository
External–topical application, skin application, bath, spinal and local compress, application to energy centers and meridian points
Observations and Anecdotal Information
Considered a sacred plant to North American native peoples, white sage has been used as a ceremonial smudge and herbal remedy for many generations.
I personally received a sample of this oil in September of 2013, and immediately began to work with it. On the first day, I applied the oil to my hands, arms, and spine. I laid down to relax during my treatment. In a moment, I was greeted with the most beautiful and amazing sensation of soft electricity moving up and down my arms and spine!
I knew right then that this was a VERY special oil, and Michael and I are simply ecstatic to be able to offer it to you. We have been searching for an appropriate source for two years, and finally have found it.
White sage essential oil has an amazing ability to provide grounding for humans in this very challenging time. It is useful for all kinds of grounding; nervous jittery feelings (like when you have drunk too much caffeine!), or when the hands sweat and the heart races, such as before a public speaking engagement.
It is also helpful for anxiety attacks and hypoglycemic attacks when one forgets to eat–the shakiness and exhaustion is quickly remedied by deep inhalation of the oil for a couple of minutes.
It also relieves pain and inhibits infection in wounds. It is useful when applied directly into the cut or open wound, as it speeds healing and disinfects the wound at the same time.
It is helpful for respiratory infections, and it can be taken internally as a tea or homeopathic, or inhaled for this purpose.
White sage essential oil has been used in digestive remedies. Its antibacterial properties can help neutralize infection or heal ulcers. If taken internally, it should be used in very minute doses over a period of months. (Homeopathic preparations are best for this).
This beauty is my new best friend at bed time, as it helps me to fall into a deep, restful sleep. I inhale it right before bedtime and sleep soundly all night long.
- Avoid use with children and infants.
- Avoid use with pregnant and lactating women.
- Keep all essential oils away from eyes.
- Store in a safe place, out of the reach of children.
- All internal uses should be researched and/or supported by a health care professional. Product quality and dosage are critically important when using essential oils internally.
None of our products are recognized or approved by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. This information is anecdotal, and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not meant to be taken as medical advice. See a health care professional for medical advice.
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