More About Our Sweet Birch Essential Oil
Size: 5 ml OR 30 ml violet glass bottle
Source: USA
Distillation: Steam distilled from wild harvested bark
Botanical name: Betula lenta
Note: Certified organic
Homeopathic Properties of Sweet Birch Essential Oil
- Analgesic
- Anti-bacterial
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-rheumatic
- Astringent
- Cardiovascular tonic
- Depurient
- Diuretic
- Disinfectant
- Expectorant
- Stimulant–circulatory, bone growth
- Vulnerary
- Warming
Internal–oral homeopathic dosage only, suppository, inhalation
External–massage, topical application, local and spinal compress, application to points, meridians, and energy centers, wound application
Observations and Anecdotal Information
Sweet birch essential oil is a diuretic, relieving edema and water weight. It helps to reduce cellulite when combined with a cleansing diet. It helps the body release and cleanse stored toxins, and has a purifying effect on tissue, especially stored water and fat.
It is known for its affinity for bone tissue. It helps stimulate bone growth, reverses decalcification, relieves bone spurs, and strengthens bone.
Birch has been used by many to re-pattern the muscles around the spine in cases of scoliosis, with great results in many cases.
To use birch essential oil for this purpose, apply it once or twice weekly as a spinal compress, along with other bone and muscle restoring oils.
It is also a disinfectant, and improves breathing when passages are congested. It is healing to lungs and bronchial tubes.
Birch essential oil has an affinity for the muscular system of the body. It makes a fine massage oil with its pain relieving properties. It can have a cortisone like action in the body, helping to relieve pain and stimulate circulation in joints, bones, muscles, and tissue, without the potential risk of joint degeneration associated with actual cortisone.
- Avoid using with infants, small children, and pregnant or lactating women.
None of our products are recognized or approved by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. This information is anecdotal, and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not meant to be taken as medical advice. See a health care professional for medical advice.
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